Canvas Art - Arabic Letters
Our beautiful religion of Islam teaches us that acquiring knowledge is of utmost importance. In fact, the very first instruction to the Prophet (May Allah bless him and give him peace) in the Quran was ‘Iqra!’
Accordingly, the journey of learning starts from the time a mother conceives her child. The spiritual and physical state of the growing foetus is directly affected by its positive and negative environments. As such, we, as Muslims, need to be constantly vigilant of our immediate surroundings and be reminded of our purpose in this life so that we may fare well in the everlasting abode of the Akhirah. This is accomplished through the concerted effort of learning our rich Islamic tradition and thereafter setting out and practising upon—to the best of our ability—whatever we learn.
With this, we introduce Arabic letters in a fun and colourful way! This This collage of letters is the perfect way to introduce your child to world of the Arabic letters.
Invest in the future of our Ummah today by purchasing this spiritually and visually stimulating reminder of THE MOST IMPORTANT LETTERS OF OUR LIVES. Through these simple and trendy reminders, let us all encourage one another to continue reading, learning, and growing!
50cm x 50cm